Our experience in Jacksonville on our last day of vacation, was immeasurably better than on our first day. The weather was beautiful (70 & sunny!), we stayed in a fancy hotel for really cheap thanks to Priceline, and we got to hangout with some of our new friends for one last night.
We also ventured out to check out some of Downtown Jacksonville, it was really nice! We didn't realize how big Jacksonville really was, and it was nice to explore more of the city and not just the area by the airport. Our friends Vera and Jason stayed in the same hotel as us, so we all grabbed a cab and headed out to meet Dale and Kim.
We spent a little while just walking around by the river and taking pictures because it was really a beautiful day. We ended up getting dinner at a local Mexican restaurant, and we got some VERY strong margaritas. For a group of people who just finished a very boozy cruise, we were such lightweights with the margaritas. After, we headed up to Dale and Kim's hotel room to have some wine and bullshit because why the hell not?!
I really miss these guys! I loved how easy it was to hangout with them, and for once I am actually thankful for social media sites like Facebook, because it is so easy to stay in contact with people.
I think this trip has really given me a fresh taste for traveling, because now I have at least two trips that I want to take in the near future. It is always so hard trying to figure out what to spend our very small amount of disposable income on, should we pay off bills? Work on the house? Buy a new dryer? Or, take a road trip? Ah, being an adult is HARD you guys!
In the meantime, we are back home in snowy, cold Michigan, snuggled up with this guy.
- 9:57 AM