Sleep Won't Ever Come

11:28 PM


As I type this, I am jamming out to Best Coast's new album while running on 4.5 hours of sleep. I have been getting the most out of my days lately, and everything sort of feels like a giant whirlwind. My life is work, gym, friends, trying to keep up with Kyle's new work schedule, and about a million projects going on. I have made so many new friends this spring, and it really has been amazing. I have always been an outgoing introvert, so nights where I can just spend some time cleaning and working on blog posts are much needed after a week of seeing people every single day. 

Anywho! This was my outfit for Kyle's last day at Mc D's shin-dig at Sneakers. I have been living in these cat-ears you guys, it is ridiculous. I even wear them around the house, when there is no one else around to even see them. Why? Because I enjoy looking at them. CATS. I also have been living in my Converse now that the snow is gone. I have been obsessed with femme outfits paired with converse lately, which is great because I am constantly jumping around and dancing, and considering my track record for falling on my ass (sober and not-sober), Converse are my frieeeeeeend.

skirt3 skirt4

I have nothing else to share except that I am  going to age horribly unless I get some sleep, so I am going to get on that right meow!

See what I did there? Eh, eh?


Skirt-Forever 21

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16 Musings

  1. You always looks so happy :, im sure if kim had some she would wear them as well. :)

  2. Your outfit is too cute Sara! I love the ears and that top is precious. It's great you're meeting new people. They bring new adventures! Enjoy!

  3. I wore out my black converse and I've yet to buy some new ones... now that the weather has warmed up, I am in desperate need of them! They're just so outfit friendly haha

  4. When people ask me why I like you so much, I point to posts like this one. It's so... Sara. And we love Sara.

  5. What Ally said. I love this post, I love this outfit!

  6. Love, love, LOVE your cat ear headband! I want one! I love this entire look really. And you. Cause you're awesome.

  7. Aww you look so cute with the cat ears!! :)

    xo - Sheila

  8. OMG Sara, I so need those cat ears - I may have to order a pair!


  9. With so little sleep and you still look great! I love that top!

  10. Ooh so fun! Love the cat ears! Hope you get some rest soon!

  11. is a busy time of year..yet damp and right cold here. Hope you have a wonderful Memorial Weekend!

  12. You're very busy, don't forget to take a rest, Sara! Cute outfit, I love the top and the cat ears. I also had old converse, the one and only sneakers I had :D xx

  13. Bleep bloop, you're cute.

    And I blogged for you because... Love you!

    Sparrow & Urchin

  14. well, don't you look pretty! i love the cat ears and that top! and it sounds like spring's been really good for you so far:-) xx

  15. Making new friends is always fun!! Those cat ears are adorable! You pull them off really well! That outfit is soo cute!!



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