March On Instagram

9:53 PM


LOOK AT THAT FACE. Want to know why I have been such a slacker blogger lately? That face. Right there. Well, that and the fact that I have been insanely busy, but still. PUPPY FACE.

March was a very busy month, and I am really looking forward to a much quieter April. As I type this, I am barely able to keep my eyes open. I am not going to lie, I have been feeling pretty down today. So instead of resting (I had the day off from work), I decided to clean the entire house, except for the library, because I am going to just burn that room down. I don't particularly like cleaning, but being able to find the coffee grinder, and clean underwear are both gratifying experiences. I decided to run through my usual list of activities that help cheer me the fuck up, and so I've decided to share them with you lovelies.

First, start with coffee. Heaps of it. Then sometime in the late afternoon, switch to tea. I am addicted to this peach-ginger tea that I bought from Eastern Market last fall, I am not positive, but I am pretty sure that there is crack in it. Next, blast some music. Whenever I am in one of my super-femme moods, I play something like The Donnas, or Taylor Swift. Playing shitty pop music when I am down sometimes helps put me back in that hella-femme mindset. I am particular fond of this song by T-Swift, because she really belts it out, and I sing along horribly to it every single morning in my car. I mean what.

Next, eat an avocado. Because avocados are amazeballs. Then, bake something yummy. It is really awesome to know that if you just mix a few ingredients together and pop it in the oven for a bit, you get this amazing yummy thing! And if you are nice, you can share it with others! Or, if you have a Kyle, he will eat all of said yummy thing. BONUS: There is a fair chance that your house will not smell like dog farts for the rest of the evening, because instead it will smell like awesome baked goods. Win-win.

If all else fails, watch a few episodes of Gilmore Girls. If Lorelei and Rory can't cheer you up, Luke's butt probably will.

But in the end, it is a good thing to remember that there are those out there who really care about you, and will be there for you. I have an amazing family, and incredible friends. I love them all so, so very much, and am eternally grateful for all of them. Even if life is a giant turd on occasion, everything will be alright in the end. 


Oh, and I totally got a new tattoo last month, yay!

I actually remembered to document an outfit over the weekend (hey remember when this used to be a fashion blog, and I would talk about clothes and other dumb things?), so I am hoping to get another post up soon. In the meantime, what are some things that you guys like to do to cheer yourselves up? 


1) An actual quiet moment with Joesph, little booger. 
2) Yummy cupcakes by my lovely friend Anne!
3) ALL of the coffee!
4) Alarm Clock Cat!

Follow me on Instagram @SheisSara 

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13 Musings

  1. we all have those days, i understand the feeling and a shitload of coffee and pop music normally does it for me :)Hang in there or their i dont remember the difference #badspelling anywho :) i hope the rest of your day gets better or tomorrow i have no idea what time it is lol

  2. I'm coveting a Gilmore Girls marathon day. I wish we lived closer, then we could spend the day in cute pajamas watching non-stop Gilmore Girls and debating the pros and cons of Dean vs. Jesse. Also pertinent: I have not once paid attention to Luke's butt. I must do so during my next GG viewing.

    P.S. JOSEPH! Can I just take him home and cuddle?!


  3. Coffee, avocado, puppies, and tattoos all sound like good ways to get out of a funk. Sorry you've been feeling down! I'll try to snapchat you some happinesss!!

  4. EVERYONE is blue from the harsh Winter. Spring will restore joy to our lives. You can't beat puppies, good food and quality TV for antidotes. And I hope you realize there are MANY people out in the world who love you. One of them just mailed you a gift. Not tellin' who...

  5. I'm so sorry you've been down lately! But coffee is awesome, your tattoo is awesome and please eat all the avocado for me (I'm allergic and miss it so much!). And Rory and Lorelai are awesome too. Hugs pretty lady!

    Oh and THAT FACE. Love that puppy face!!

  6. Oh, hey! Just thought of you so I'm leaving a second, unrelated comment. Hope that's okay.

    I know you watched "Bunheads" and I'm guessing you like Sutton Foster. She's in a new show called "Younger" on TVLand. It's funny. She's 40 but pretends to be 26 to get a job. Her boss is played by Miriam Shor (who was in the "Hedwig..." movie) and her co-worker is Hilary Duff. Cute show.

  7. Oh my! Cool Tattoo! ummmm..avacadoes! Oh..and you do have an adorable pup, too! Here's to a wonderful April. (toast with a my own of FLAT WHITE) Cheers to coffee!

  8. Ode to coffee and then some! Sounds like Spring cleaning is in progress. The April fog has really made me want to hibernate as of late with Danish TV on Netflix.

    All the best to you spring adventures!

  9. your dogs cute face is priceless sara! those eyes! i had a dog that had the same eyes and it would get me each and every time. life can definitely get crazy. i so understand. i hope things get better for you Sara. i miss your fun filled bubbly posts. they would always put a smile on my face. you're so unique, smart and talented. never cookie cutter. that's what i appreciated and respected about you. i usually read, get out and go somewhere or play music when I'm down. it usually cheers me up. hugs girl.
    we all love you.

  10. But that face... too cute to ignore!

    I prefer it when Kris cleans the house and I come home to a nice clean place, that definitely makes me feel better! Sometimes, he actually does that :) It's amazing. But I do enjoy a good old deep clean, especially the bathroom, I like seeing everything sparkly white again. Cleaning is good for the soul sometimes.

    New tattoo - totes awesome! Really freaking awesome!

  11. I've been a horrible blogger over the past year or so SOOOOOO don't feel bad. Life happens! I am so sorry to hear you have been feeling down. Those feelings are the worst sometimes! I am currently catching up on your blog and it's making me sooooo happy. Especially that Tay Swift you shared with us. It's a good one!! Everyone needs a song they can belt out horribly!! Here's to you feeling better soon!



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