Eats: Oatmeal Pumpkin Muffins

10:30 AM


After managing to make a decent pumpkin pie this fall, I decided that I needed to make a ton of them. I got a little overconfident (aka, did not follow the recipe) the week of Thanksgiving and ended up doubling up the ingredients for the filling, but I did not have enough of the actual pumpkin and it came out like soup. I knew nobody would eat that, so Kyle was sweet enough to bring me another pie pumpkin after work so that I could add it to the mix. I still ended up with about a full cup of pie filling after baking two pies, so I got the great idea to make muffins with it the following week. 

These were awesomesauce. AWESOMESAUCE. I managed to get rid of some of the oatmeal that Kyle refuses to eat, and still end up with a slightly healthy breakfast, go me!

What you will need: 
1 cup multigrain hot cereal
1 cup flour
1 Tbsp. baking powder (not gonna lie, I did not have this, therefore, it did not go in the batch I made)
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup pumpkin pie filling 
1/2 cup milk (I used Silk)
2 eggs (I used flaxseed & Silk)
1/4 cup vegetable oil 
1 tsp. vanilla

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8 Musings

  1. I'm not really into pumpkin but it'll be awesome for my dad to try who LOVES to bake lol

  2. Such a great muffin recipe. Glad you were able to do the muffins.

  3. Awesome! These look great. Oh, I have problems with my pie experiments too. Glad this worked out!

  4. Lovely! Always love to have muffins. This looks like a great recipe, too.

  5. Muffins are always great to start the day! They look really yummy!

  6. yum, thanks for the recipe!!! :D

    <3, Mimi
    Monogrammed Tote Bag Giveaway

  7. My nephew would LOVE these. He's obsessed with pumpkin flavors. Must make them for him over the holidays {even though they won't look nearly as nice as yours}. :D


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